Euphorbia Tirucalli
Euphorbia Tirucalli 'Fire Sticks' (Pencil Cactus, Milk Bush) 'Fire Sticks' are a rare red form, and in time will become a striking specimen. Bushy fast growing succulent with amazing color that branches readily. This succulent gets its name because it produces stems that look similar to a pencil. In the sun, these stems turn a variety of colors, from green to yellow to red. The stems become inflamed with brilliant pinkish red in the cooler winter months. The color tends to fade closer to yellow in the summer, and becomes redder in the winter. The small leaves are inconspicuous and soon drop. This plant will form a large bush in a container and in warmer areas it can be planted in the ground where it can reach considerable size. Responds well to warmth, with its active growth period in the late spring and summer months. Be careful when handling, the milky juice.